

Internal Assessment/

At CyRAACS, we perform an extensive Internal Assessment to identify the inherent and residual information security risks across the organization. We conduct these assessments against the regulatory requirements like NESA, SAMA, ADHICS, DFSA ISR, etc.

Based on the assessment conducted, we recommend Risk Mitigation measures to ensure the appropriate security controls are in place in line with the organization risk appetite. At CyRAACS, we support our customers in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements like NESA, SAMA, ADHICS, DFSA, ISR etc.

Internal Audit

Internal Audit Services is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. The role an audit is to provide independent assurance that an organization’s risk management, governance and applicable control processes are operating effectively. CyRAACS provides internal services to clients, supported by a team of trained professionals who ensure through their professional duty that an unbiased and objective view is provided for the systems, applications or processes in scope. At CyRAACS, we support our customers in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements like NESA, SAMA, ADHICS, DFSA, ISR etc. by providing compliance audit services.

Global Cyber Security Assessments

The objective of a readiness assessment is to promote a common understanding of good practices and a means to consistently assess information security risks and actions to manage risks. CyRAACS supports enterprises in accomplishing the standards deemed necessary for the readiness for the following areas/domains:
  • Standards (ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SOC 2, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, CSA STAR, ISO 27701 etc.) 
  • Frameworks (NIST 800-53, NIST CSF, HITRUST CSF, NIST 800-171 etc.) 
  • Regulatory Requirements (RBI, GDPR, CCPA, NYDFS Cyber Security Regulations, HIPAA) 
  • Contractual Requirements 
  • Pre-Certification Audit 
  • Internal Organization Policies 
  • Industry Best Practices 
Go ahead and click on the button to get a quote. It's a quick form just to help us understand, how we can add value to your current system. And our Cyber Security Expert will touch base with you, for a quick discussion. We look forward!
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